Maple Awake by Alice Doray - Page 2
But there was one young sugar maple tree that was very unhappy. Her branches stretched out sadly, dark and naked. She was to be chopped down because her buds had not opened. She looked quite dead!
All the short stories and poetry on this site are written by Alice Doray and are owned and copyright owned by the family of Alice Doray. "Maple Awake" is owned and copyright owned by the family of Alice Doray. This web site is owned by John Doray and all the material on this sight is used with permission of the family of Alice Doray. Anyone caught reproducing and/or copying or reusing any of the writings or drawings on these pages, in full or in part, without written consent of the family of Alice Doray will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. It is a federal offense to illegally copy or reproduce copyrighted material.